Shipping to Thailand
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Cheapest shipping to Thailand
*All prices shown are subject to change, based on the weight, size and destination of your package.
How much to ship to Thailand?
How long does it take to ship to Thailand?
Customs advice for shipping to Thailand
Customs requirements
You will be required to provide a customs declaration form when shipping to Thailand from the USA, however, we will help you complete this during the booking process.
Duties and taxes may be applied to your package when it reaches Thailand. Please ensure you provide contact details for the recipient so customs can contact them for payment.
Find more customs advice here.
Prohibited items
Restrictions on sending to Thailand and customs laws relating to the prohibition of items being sent into the country via commercial courier companies are relatively open in comparison with other countries in the region. However, you are likely to have significant issues if you wish to send electronic cigarettes, gambling devices, jewellery and products made in Iran. The Thai Customs Department also has rules relating to the importation of what is typically viewed as 'personal effects', where you have to use a recognised courier and may require additional documentation.
In addition, prohibited items also include, but are not limited to obscene and pornographic materials, goods printed with the Thai national flag and counterfeit goods.