Shipping to Barbados
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Cheapest shipping to Barbados
*All prices shown are subject to change, based on the weight, size and destination of your package.
How much to ship to Barbados?
How long does it take to ship to Barbados?
Customs advice for shipping to Barbados
Customs requirements
When shipping out of the US, Customs Documents are required. Parcel Monkey will provide these to you in the booking process so all you need to do is provide a detailed accurate and description of your package contents and also provide a working local contact number for the recipient so that Customs can make contact is any duty is owed or the courier can get in touch should they have any issues with delivery.
Prohibited items
Counterfeit coins, Indecent or obscene articles, Fictitious stamps, Toy guns, Ozone-depleting substances (HS Ex 29.03), Arms and ammunition, Goods bearing the Royal Arms of Great Britain.