Shipping to Kuwait from the USA
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How much to ship to Kuwait?
How long does it take to ship to Kuwait?
Customs advice for shipping to Kuwait
Customs requirements
Kuwait General Administration of Customs website kindly gives a list of restricted items for import however, it is in Arabic so your browser will need to be able to translate. We can see, however, that much of the list is food related, which we do not offer carriage for. If you wish to seek clarification of the Kuwaiti import restrictions we suggest that you contact the local customs office.
It is possible that personal effects such as books and clothing are exempt from duty as long as they arrive by air - which they should be if sent from most overseas major destinations. Other sources state that computers, radio equipment, and wireless telephones are restricted, as well as pork products and gambling equipment. Furthermore, all printed and electronic media is liable to censorship or confiscation.
Prohibited items
Any politically subversive material, Food prepared abroad